Radio Italia Uno - David Heath - Baltimore Train

Hey my people, 

       We’ve been fortunate enough throughout our career to have been embraced by many diverse parts of our community as our music is not only genre eclectic but culture neutral as well. 
      This is primarily because of the topics we write about that are common to the human experience, to everyone’s experience, black, white, gay , straight, Bi , Tri, Pan , purple, orange, pink or blue. This comes I guess because if you write what you know, somebody else knows it too. The Greeks knew this, our culture and our literature hadn’t really changed that much from those early years where drama was performed.

Anyhow tomorrow I’ll be talking the new album with David Heath who broadcasts from Radio Italia Uno, Adelaide’s Italian Radio, I’m looking forward to this, tune in or I’ll repost it here , 

     Stay Golden PonyPeoole
